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The IT operation and maintenance service management system clarifies the various entities involved in IT operation and maintenance activities and the mutual relationship between these entities. Relevant units organize and coordinate work in accordance with the IT operation and maintenance service management system, and provide different levels of IT operation and maintenance services in accordance with the requirements of the service agreement.
The objects of IT operation and maintenance service management mainly include IT infrastructure, IT application systems, IT users and IT suppliers. Under the broad concept, the departments and personnel engaged in IT operation and maintenance activities within the unit are sometimes regarded as the objects of operation and maintenance service management. The role of IT operation and maintenance activities refers to all units, departments or specific personnel engaged in IT operation and maintenance activities, generally including three roles of IT operation and maintenance service provider, IT operation and maintenance service user, and IT operation and maintenance service manager. The organizational form formed by various roles in IT operation and maintenance activities constitutes the organizational structure of IT operation and maintenance management.
The IT operation and maintenance service management process refers to the mechanism and method of contacting IT operation and maintenance service providers, IT operation and maintenance service users, and IT operation and maintenance service managers for standardized collaborative work. A complete IT operation and maintenance service management process should cover all aspects of IT operation and maintenance service planning, design, operation and continuous improvement. With the help of the IT operation and maintenance service support system, the informatization of the IT operation and maintenance service management process can be realized.
The IT operation and maintenance service support system is an information system that supports each operation and maintenance role in the IT operation and maintenance management organization to carry out IT service activities according to the specified IT operation and maintenance process. On the one hand, the IT operation and maintenance service support system should support the IT operation and maintenance service provider to manage the IT operation and maintenance service management objects, so as to realize the IT operation and maintenance service capability; conveniently provide the IT operation and maintenance service users with the IT operation and maintenance service; , to support IT operation and maintenance service managers to assess, supervise and evaluate the entire IT operation and maintenance service.
IT operation and maintenance services are service products provided by IT operation and maintenance service providers to IT operation and maintenance service users. The quality of related IT operation and maintenance services should be measurable, and the way of service provision should comply with the prescribed procedures. The IT operation and maintenance services specified in this part include comprehensive management services such as IT infrastructure operation and maintenance services, IT application system operation and maintenance services, security management services, network access services, and content information services. The automated implementation of IT operation and maintenance services needs to rely on the IT operation and maintenance service support system.
Shanghai Senior Role has been focusing on one-stop IT outsourcing business, IT system integration services, and IT operation and maintenance management services for decades.